

  • Fix: New invited lab users are now correctly provisioned as Cloudflare employees / partners with the corresponding access (all existing users have been updated as well)
  • Fix: Lab deletion would sometimes fail with error CX Cleanup failed:" name": "CX_CLEANUP_FAIL", "message" "Failed to fetch workers"); undefined
  • Fix: Backend architecture improvements (API moved to Hono and Chanfana) and small UI fixes


  • New: Multiple improvements to lab guides and code snippets
  • New: Zero Trust 401 (Optimization & Troubleshooting) now available
  • New: Users are now directed to Catalog from the main page if they don't have any labs yet (and can access Catalog)
  • Fix: Lab guide URL structure changed


  • New: Better tracking of all ongoing events, if event start and end dates are populated correctly the CML team is now kept aware and can provide better support


  • New: Multiple CMS updates including major rework of code snippet blocks adding a copy button and improved syntax highlighting
  • New: Existing CMS content can now be easily reused, allowing for creation of customized guides assembled from handpicked existing content (contact us for details)
  • Fix: Resolved CMS error 500 login issues for editors
  • New: Lab duration is now configurable on creation (ability to change post-creation coming later):
    • self-serve catalog: default 14 days, cannot be changed
    • lab create form: default 7 days, maximum 31 days
  • New: Newly created labs now display expiration date in the lab detail view
  • New: When creating a lab from an event, list of admins is auto-populated from the event's list of admins
  • New: Event can now define defaults for lab name, solution, blueprint and pool; when a new lab is created inside that event, the above defaults are auto-populated but can be modified
  • New: ZT Win11 VM automatically resets WARP Client encryption keys after deployment, removing need to do that manually in some cases where configuration changes wouldn't propagate to the WARP Client
  • New: New ZT blueprint 'Enablement (Optimization & Troubleshooting)' available via both catalog & admin form (for updated ZT401, coming soon)
  • New: Multiple observability improvements allowing us to better monitor the platform and detect & fix issues proactively


  • New: Labs now spin up significantly faster (implemented exponential backoff between API Workers)
  • New: Improved error reporting on the backend
  • Fix: Improved reporting of lab state, more cases now reported as failed instead of spinning indefinitely


  • New: Lab status in the lab view now updated reactively, without having to reload the whole page
  • New: Traffic generator Workers now explicitly deleted during lab deletion (workaround for WC-2214)
  • New: Improved cost tracking for individual users and partner orgs


  • New: Labs are now associated with groups, for cost and quota tracking (owner's group with highest AttributionPrecedence is auto-selected)
  • New: Lab details are now archived instead of being deleted, for troubleshooting purposes
  • New: Multiple admin page improvements around groups


  • New: All Cloudflare users (anyone with email) and all partners (anyone with an account in the Partner Portal) are now automatically provisioned and granted basic quota when logging in for the first time
  • New: Added Catalog page with ready-made templates for Cloudflare University
  • New: When creating a new lab, Pool's default value is set based on user's current location (can be changed)
  • New: When creating a new lab, when a Solution with only one available Blueprint is selected, that Blueprint is auto-selected
  • New: Users can now be granted membership in groups, this will allow delegation of user and quota management tasks in the future
  • New: Granular permissions for users and groups are now available, this will allow delegation of user and quota management tasks in the future


  • New: Option to send welcome email to user(s) during lab creation


  • New: Page Shield traffic generator now available in beta (for Application Services / Enablement)
  • New: Details for all labs in an event can now be downloaded as a CSV, useful for larger workshops where admins need to quickly map users to labs / cf accounts / zones


  • New: Improved API Shield traffic generator concurrency for increased capacity and reliability
  • New: AppSvc Enablement labs can now be optionally created with an Ubuntu Workstation VM (for use cases where attendees can't use their own laptops); image includes basic network tooling and terraform


  • New: Two new pools added: AMER (Azure US West 3, AZ) and ANZ (Azure Australia East, NSW).
  • Fix: Labs with Azure VMs sometimes could not be deleted.
  • Fix: Frontend UI issues where sometimes client-side logic would not execute.


  • New: Anyone that logs in from domain is automatically provisioned as a user with default quota of 1 lab per solution
  • Fix: If lab user's email isn't associated with a Cloudflare account yet, that user now receives email invite to create a new Cloudflare account (previously invite would silently fail)


  • New: New reactive frontend that will let us add new and exciting features faster.
  • New: Added the concept of Blueprints. These decide how wired-up the lab should be. If this is a lab for an enablement workshop, the user should do all the configuration so the lab will be mostly empty. If this is a demo, the whole solution should be completely wired-up. At the moment only Enablement is supported, but Demo for Zero Trust is coming soon.
  • New: More geo regions. Up until now, all VMs were spun up in Singapore. Now you have a choice: APJC, EU and more are coming soon. Do let us know if you need one in your area.
  • Fix: The "black screen of death" issue where a VM connectivity would be lost after turning on WARP is now resolved.
  • New: Labs are now automatically deleted when they expire. Moreover when you delete the lab manually, the CF Account that was created for the lab is now deleted as well.
  • New: VM desktop is now automatically resized to your browser's window size (you can reload page to update after resizing a window).
  • New: AppSvc labs now have an option to integrate with API Shield traffic generator (and Page Shield generator is coming soon).
  • New: VM images are now updated regularly (so you get the latest OS and SW versions) and we can also created customized images if you need any.
  • New: Quality of life improvements, e.g. CF Accounts now reflect the lab name, every lab has a unique slug (used e.g. for the ZT team name which is now automatically configured), and more.
  • Known issue: The event CSV export is currently unavailable, we will add it back soon.


  • Fix: Updated both ZT images to include the latest OS and WARP updates. Cleaned up the Windows image and turned off lot of prompts and unnecessary UI elements (most importantly the initial prompt about setting up the desktop is no longer shown).
  • New: Ubuntu image has a new version of the AcmeCorp mock website that supports new DLP and WAF use cases.


  • Fix: Labs with no VMs (currently Application Services) are no longer clickable in the UI (there are no VMs to show).
  • Fix: Name of the lab is now displayed in the lab view above the individual VMs.
  • Fix: Top header bar cuts off some parts of the RDP screen (, thanks @Edwin Wong).
  • New: Win11 desktop now resizes to fill the whole browser window on load. It doesn't automatically resize again when window is resized, but reloading the browser window will achieve that result.
  • New: All VMs in the lab are now accessible via tabs in the header for easy switching.
  • New: Lab guide now shows lab instructions. It can be triggered from the header or by pressing Cmd+G (G for Guide). We're working on letting you customize these, please stay tuned.
  • New: Each lab now has a unique slug generated for it in the format of adjective-noun. This is intended as an alternative account identifier for workshops (participants can shout out "my account charming-kangaroo is broken" instead of having to relay long numerical IDs).
  • New: We're starting to build out the concept of templates, these will allow you to further customize the labs. For example there is now a template enablement that in ZT labs sets the Access Team/Org to the above mentioned lab slug. For now templates are only supported via the API, we'll add them to the UI at some point.
  • Fix: We have simplified the RBAC a bit by removing the concept of Event's users. As long as a user has some lab in an event, they will see that event in their view and will be able to open it. We're keeping around the concept of event's admins, this is intended for co-presenters and instructors and gives them the ability to edit event's details.