Virtual networks

In this section, we'll tackle a common advanced use case of private networks. We'll configure two virtual networks with overlapping subnets.

Our Origin A will assume the role of our production system and Origin B of our staging. Note that both are in the same IP subnet.


Configure two virtual networks with overlapping private IP address space allowing both to be accessed using WARP Client.


  • Cloudflare Tunnel enables creation of virtual networks to access private resources
  • Virtual networks allow routing to duplicate private addresses in different environments (e.g., staging vs production)
  • Users can select which network to connect to via their WARP Client settings


1. Cleanup

Let's remove tunnel configuration from the previous lab.

Delete the route (on either origin):

cloudflared tunnel route ip delete

Either origin

Delete the tunnel (on either origin):

cloudflared tunnel delete test-tunnel

Either origin

Delete the configuration on both origins:

rm -f ~/.cloudflared/*.{json,yaml}

Origin A & B

2. Create virtual networks

First, let's create a the tunnel and vnet on Origin A.

Create a production tunnel:

cloudflared tunnel create production-tunnel

Origin A

Create a production network:

cloudflared tunnel vnet add production-vnet

Origin A

Next, switch to console of Origin B and create a staging tunnel:

cloudflared tunnel create staging-tunnel

Origin B

And a staging network:

cloudflared tunnel vnet add staging-vnet

Origin B

List the virtual networks on either origin to confirm they have been created correctly. The network configuration is stored on Cloudflare's Edge, so both servers should see both networks.

cloudflared tunnel list
ID                                   NAME            IS DEFAULT
aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa production-vnet false       
bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb staging-vnet    false

Either origin

Configure your tunnels with the IP/CIDR range of your private networks

Set identical IP range for both of your virtual networks and tunnels:

The configuration changes below are stored on Cloudflare's Edge, so can be run from either origin.
cloudflared tunnel route ip add --vnet production-vnet production-tunnel

Then staging:

cloudflared tunnel route ip add --vnet staging-vnet staging-tunnel

Finally, confirm the configuration:

cloudflared tunnel route ip list
ID                                   NETWORK       ...
cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc ...
yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy ...

We now have two overlapping subnets routed to production-vnet and staging-vnet.

Enable WARP on the origins

On Origin A, get your tunnel UUID. This can be done with cloudflared tunnel info production-tunnel but we prepared a one-liner that saves that UUID to a variable to the TUNNELID variable we can use in the next step:

TUNNELID=$(cloudflared tunnel info --output json production-tunnel | jq -r .id)

Let's now use that tunnel UUID to prepare a config file:

cat << EOF > ~/.cloudflared/config.yaml
tunnel: $TUNNELID
credentials-file: /home/cloudflare/.cloudflared/$TUNNELID.json
  enabled: true

Lastly, run your production-tunnel:

cloudflared tunnel run production-tunnel

Repeat the above steps on Origin B with staging-tunnel - get its tunnel UUID, create the configuration file to enable WARP routing and start the tunnel.

When done, you should see both tunnels started in the dashboard:

Test access to virtual networks from WARP

In your WARP client, click on the Gear icon, and you should now see a Virtual Networks selector there. Click on it and switch to production-vnet.

If you don't see the Virtual Networks selector, navigate to your WARP Client's preferences, Connection ‣ Reset Encryption Keys and reconnect the WARP Client.

Now open a browser inside the Win11 client and navigate to

You should see that the website is served by your Origin A representing the production environment:

Now switch the virtual network in your WARP client to staging-vnet and reload the page.

You should now see the page served by your Origin B in the staging environment:

If that all works, you are now done with this lab!

If you’re completing this lab virtually, run the following command to get the completion token:

curl "" -H "X-Get-Token: y0GYQjLgw7czU3Nqams0"

If successful, the output should look like this:

curl "" -H "X-Get-Token: y0GYQjLgw7czU3Nqams0"
⚙️ nocopy ⚙️
Enter this token in the 401 Zero Trust e-learning course:

Lab section complete. Return back to the Zero Trust 401 e-learning course and continue there.