Short-lived SSH certs

In this last lab, we are going address the challenge of managing SSH access in large organizations. We will deploy short-lived certificates, one of the first and most popular services offered by Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform.

In this setup, a user attempting to access a specific resource via SSH is first redirected to an Access URL. After they successfully authenticate through Access, Cloudflare issues (and distributes to the client via cloudflared) an SSH certificate with a very short validity that is used to establish this one session.


Configure access to Origin A using short-lived SSH certificates.


The use of short-lived certificates:

  • Eliminates need for users to generate and manage long-lived SSH keys, simplifying access management
  • Improves security by replacing static public keys with ephemeral certificates tied to authenticated user sessions
  • Centralizes SSH access control through Cloudflare Access, enhancing visibility and reducing administrative overhead


Create Access application

  • In the Zero Trust dashboard, navigate to AccessApplications
  • Click Add an application and select Self-hosted


  • Name the application, for example “Production - SSH”
  • Select a domain from the drop-down menu under Application Domain and set the subdomain to ssh
  • Scroll down to the Identity Providers section and make sure your SAML IdP is among the accepted providers
  • Click Next


  • On the next page, name the policy, for example “Allow IT personnel”
  • Choose the SAML Groups selector and set the attribute to a group you’re affiliated with in the SAML IdP, for example "User Groups" with value "ict-staff"
  • Click Next


  • In the Additional Settings section, select Browser Rendering SSH from the drop-down menu to enable Cloudflare to render terminal connections in the browser
  • Click Add application

Set up certificates

  • Next, navigate to Access ‣ Service Auth ‣ SSH
  • Choose the application representing the resource you secured in the previous step and click “Generate certificate”
  • Click on the application that was generated and copy the public key to your clipboard

Save the public key

On Origin A, first save the public key to a variable:

Use Ctrl+C to stop your tunnel if it is still running.

Origin A

Then save it to /etc/ssh/

echo ${PUBLICKEY} | sudo tee /etc/ssh/
  • Print the contents to confirm your key was saved properly:
cat /etc/ssh/
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AA... [email protected]

Create hostname

On your Origin A, set DNSZONE variable to your zone (you got this in an earlier lab in your dashboard):


Origin A

And create a hostname record for ssh:

cloudflared tunnel route dns production-tunnel "ssh.$DNSZONE"
INF Added CNAME which will route to this tunnel tunnelID=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Origin A

If you receive an error at this point stating "record with that host already exists", this is because the record for the ssh subdomain from one of the previous labs still exists.

Delete it in your Cloudflare dashboard under Websites ‣ <your zone> ‣ DNS, then find record for ssh and select Edit ‣ Delete.

Then repeat the cloudflared command above.

Next, set the TUNELID variable:

TUNNELID=$(cloudflared tunnel info production-tunnel | grep -oP '(?<=Your tunnel )[a-f0-9-]+' | awk '{print $1}')

Origin A

Finally replace your tunnel config file (we're assuming your production tunnel from the previous lab still exists):

cat << EOF > ~/.cloudflared/config.yaml
tunnel: $TUNNELID
credentials-file: /home/cloudflare/.cloudflared/$TUNNELID.json

  - hostname: ssh.$DNSZONE
    service: ssh://localhost:22
  - service: http_status:404

Origin A

We're done with the Cloudflare side, next let's set up SSH.

Update sshd service config

Still on Origin A edit the SSH service config file:

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Origin A

Here we will need to update 2 things:

  • enable the public key we’ve just added
  • map your SAML user to the linux user

To enable the public key created in the previous step, navigate to a row containing PubkeyAuthentication. It will likely be commented out:

# PubkeyAuthentication yes

Origin A: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Uncomment it by removing the # symbol and make sure the value is yes.

Then add the following line to point to the certificate file we created earlier:

TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/

Origin A: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Next, by default, Cloudflare Access uses user’s email address prefix as the unix username. So if your SAML email is [email protected], by default Access will use the short-lived certificate to log in as linux user itadmin. But the linux user on the Origin A we’re using is cloudflare.

To map itadmin to our cloudflare user, add the following section:

Match user cloudflare
  AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand /bin/echo 'itadmin'
  AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser nobody
Match all

Origin A: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Save your changes and restart sshd:

sudo systemctl restart ssh

Origin A

And double-check your changes didn't cause any errors and the ssh service is in an active (running) state:

sudo systemctl status ssh
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
     Loaded: loaded
     Active: active (running); 3s ago

Origin A

Update ssh client config

Previously, this lab has only shown how to interact with cloudflared server-side. But cloudflared can also run in client mode, we already used that mode in one of the earlier labs when we copied files between origins via scp. Let's now dig a bit deeper.

(optional) You can use your local machine as the client that will be connecting to the server. If you want to do that, you'll need to install the cloudflared command line tool on your local machine:

In this guide however we'll demonstrate the steps on Origin B which will act as the SSH client.

Switch to Origin B and add set your DNSZONE variable again:


Origin B

Then run the following config to generate the necessary configuration entry for your SSH config file:

cloudflared access ssh-config --hostname ssh.$DNSZONE --short-lived-cert

Add to your /home/cloudflare/.ssh/config:
Match host exec "/usr/bin/cloudflared access ssh-gen --hostname %h"
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
  IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/%h-cf_key
  CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/

Copy the output in your console (not the one above, that's just an example) and add it to your ~/.ssh/config file.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

cat << EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
Match host ssh.$DNSZONE exec "/usr/bin/cloudflared access ssh-gen --hostname %h"
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
  IdentityFile ~/.cloudflared/%h-cf_key
  CertificateFile ~/.cloudflared/

Test the connection

Start your cloudflared tunnel on Origin A:

cloudflared tunnel run production-tunnel

Origin A

And then, use ssh to connect it from Origin B (or your local machine if that's what you set up as the client):

Please open the following URL and log in with your Cloudflare account:


Leave cloudflared running to download the token automatically.

Origin B

Copy the URL and open it in a browser. Log in via SAML when prompted, eventually you should receive the following prompt:

Once you click Approve, the ssh command in your Origin B console will log you in to Origin A:

2024-07-09T07:34:39Z INF Waiting for login...
Welcome to Cloudflare Labs origin server for Zero Trust enablement

Origin B

You should get logged in without being prompted for cloudflare user’s password.

(optional) Alternatively, you can also open ssh.<your_lab_zone> in your web browser and connect via that.

As a last step, let's log out of that SSH session and return back to Origin B:

Connection to closed.

Origin B (logged in to Origin A via SSH)

Back on Origin B, inspect the short-lived certificate that was issued:

ssh-keygen -L -f ~/.cloudflared/*
Type: [email protected] user certificate
Public key: ECDSA-CERT SHA256:/...
Signing CA: ECDSA SHA256:... (using ecdsa-sha2-nistp256)
Key ID: "bb2aae778d7ed52b508f13610f39723f"
Serial: 4480933270599632177
🟨Valid: from 2024-07-09T07:34:09 to 2024-07-09T07:38:09
Critical Options: (none)

Origin B

Note the validity period, as the feature name implies, this is indeed quite short.

That’s the end of this lab!

Lab section complete. Return back to the Zero Trust 401 e-learning course and continue there.