Getting started

Welcome to the GovTech Zero Trust Lab! You’ll need the following resources, all of which are provided for you:

  1. A Cloudflare account & DNS zone
  2. A Windows 11 client workstation
  3. An Ubuntu origin server

All lab resources (including this guide) are accessible on Cloudflare Labs, please bookmark this page:

Access your Cloudflare Managed Lab resources

You will receive up to two emails from Cloudflare. You must action them to start the lab.

  1. Email #1: The first email will be triggered when you try to login to and it will send you an OTP code to verify your email.
  2. Email #2: If you did not sign up for Cloudflare with your email yet, you will also receive an invitation to join Cloudflare so you can access the account we created for you. The invite email looks like this:

If you did receive that email, click the link to accept the invitation.

If you did not receive that email, just log in to Cloudflare dashboard and you should see your lab account there.

Your lab slug

Throughout this guide, you will see references to LAB_SLUG. You can find your lab slug in the name of your Cloudflare account, it is the two word suffix after the hyphen: ... - <LAB_SLUG>.

Lab infrastructure

As noted above, your lab contains two VMs, exclusively for you. They will act as a Windows user workstation and an Ubuntu origin server.

You also have access to a shared SAML identity provider.