Getting started

Welcome to the Cloudflare Developer Platform Lab! You’ll need two resources, both of which are provided for you via Cloudflare Managed Labs:

  1. A Cloudflare account 
  2. A DNS zone hosted on Cloudflare on the Enterprise Plan with appropriate Subscriptions & Features

Additionally, this course assumes you know some JavaScript/TypeScript. The main goal of this course is to introduce the Developer Platform products to the developers that will be using them, so we won't be explaining in detail what every line means. But we will provide you with most of the boilerplate code, you won't have to write it yourself.

Did you know that you can quickly search for Cloudflare products in the dashboard? You can access the quick search tool from anywhere within the Cloudflare dashboard by clicking the magnifying glass button in the top navigation, or hitting Ctrl + K on Linux and Windows or ⌘ + K on Mac


In this series of exercises, you will explore the essential building blocks of Cloudflare' Developer Platform. We will cover:

  • C3 and Wrangler CLIs
  • Workers
  • Workers AI
  • Workers KV
  • D1 database

Let’s get started!