Digital experience monitoring


Gain visibility into the experience of your WARP clients.


  1. You’ve deployed a large fleet of WARP clients, but how do you now monitor it?
  2. DEX helps you measure your users’ experience with WARP
  3. This is useful for troubleshooting, evaluating carrier and ISP performance, or just understanding how your employees work


To capture richer data for this exercise, it will help if you have more than one WARP client connected to your Zero Trust account. Consider for example installing WARP on your laptop, if possible.

1. Explore the DEX dashboard

Navigate to DEX ‣ Monitoring in your Zero Trust dashboard and explore the available data about your fleet. Notice how clicking on each geographical point reveals more details about devices in that location.

2. Synthetic monitoring

To better understand your clients’ connectivity to key services, you can create a synthetic test that will be executed by every WARP client in your fleet, at a specified interval.

Navigate to DEX ‣ Tests and Add a Test.

Let’s create a test that monitors access to Cloudflare’s status page:

⚙️ nocopy ⚙️
Test_type: HTTP Get
Test_frequency: 5 minutes

After some time, head back to DEX ‣ Monitoring and switch to the Tests tab. You should see the test results coming in.

Clicking on the test’s tile reveals more details.

You may want to revisit this page after an hour or more to see more data points.

3. Troubleshoot an individual client

The above statistics are averaged results across all of your WARP clients in the field. But what if you want to troubleshoot a specific client, say if a specific employee complains about a poor experience?

DEX statistics are also available per device. Navigate to My Team ‣ Devices and select one of your devices.

Client-specific DEX stats are available in the Fleet Status and Tests tabs.

Note for example the Device status timeline which captures the client’s connection state over time.